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Stories: Meet the Team


Iʼm Sierra and I was diagnosed with clinical depression at 13. Since then Iʼve been diagnosed with PTSD, borderline personality disorder and severe anxiety. Iʼve experienced a lot that led to those disorders and figuring out how to cope has been one of the hardest challenges in my short life. When I was younger, I had horrible coping mechanisms. They were all temporary solutions that always resulted in me feeling worse about myself.
Through the panic attacks and the depressive episodes, I found some peace.
Whenever I feel low, thereʼs a lot things Iʼve learned that works for me.

Sometimes I just cruise. I donʼt go anywhere in particular, I just drive and blast music, sometimes itʼs calming and other times is cheerful.

I love solo hiking. Iʼll turn off my service and just be present with myself and my surroundings. That tends to ground me and Iʼve become comfortable being my own company in doing so.

If I donʼt want to leave the house, Iʼll write. I just write out my feelings, my trauma, anything that comes to mind. It feels good releasing my shit onto paper and seeing it stare back at me. Because then I know the ugly feeling is not imprisoned within me, I let it free.

I have one book that always makes me feel better, so if I need an escape from reality I read until Iʼm laughing again and feeling detached from that low feeling I had.

I call a friend, or text a friend. Sometimes I wonʼt even go into detail of what Iʼm feeling, I just say today is shit and they tell me they love me and I can get through it.
I also see a therapist once a week. This is HUGE in helping myself heal. I encourage therapy for everyone. Thereʼs facilities to help with people with low income too. Theyʼll work with you.
Different coping mechanisms work for different people. I thrive in

letting myself process my feelings alone then reaching out once I have my thoughts in order. Maybe you thrive in being around others. Experiment with all suggestions and choose which healthy coping mechanisms work for you. No matter what you decide to do in your healing process, remember that mental health works in waves. The low point never lasts. Your heart beat will always come back to normal. The tears will always stop. No pain is permanent. Finding ways to cope will show you that.

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